How to Store Chocolate: Expert Tips for Craft Chocolate Lovers

One crucial aspect of enjoying chocolate is proper storage. When not stored correctly, chocolate can lose its flavor, texture, and overall quality. This is why I have put together this informative article as part of my Chocolate 101 series, to guide you on how to store your chocolate correctly. In this article, we will discuss the best way to store chocolate, where to store chocolate, and whether or not it’s safe to store chocolate in the refrigerator or freezer. Let’s start!

What Exactly Is Craft Chocolate, and Why Is Proper Storage Important for It?

What is Ethical Chocolate?

Ethical chocolate refers to chocolate that is produced in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable way. It involves fair compensation for farmers, sustainable farming practices, and the use of high-quality ingredients. By supporting ethical chocolate makers, consumers are contributing to the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture practices that benefit the planet.

Craft and Artisan Chocolate

Craft and artisan chocolate are terms used to describe small-batch chocolate made by skilled chocolatiers using high-quality ingredients. These chocolates are often produced in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable way. Craft and artisan chocolate differ from mass-produced chocolate in that they prioritize flavor and quality over quantity and cost. They are usually made with fewer preservatives and additives, resulting in a more natural and flavorful product. If you want to read more on this topic, check out my comprehensive article on the difference between craft and mass-produced chocolate.

The Importance of Eating Fresh Chocolate

Craft chocolate usually doesn’t have any or very few preservatives, so as to not compromise the quality of the chocolate. This means that it has a shorter shelf life and can spoil faster than mass-produced chocolate. Therefore, it is important to eat chocolate as fresh as possible to fully appreciate its flavor and texture. By storing your chocolate correctly, you can help prolong its freshness and enjoy it at its best.

Dick Taylor Chocolate

The Best Way to Store Chocolate

Ideal Temperature Range for Storing Chocolate

The ideal temperature range for storing chocolate is between 15°C and 18°C (59°F to 64°F). This temperature range is cool but not too cold. Cold temperatures can cause chocolate to develop white spots called “bloom” or a grainy texture. Additionally, temperatures that are too warm can cause chocolate to melt and lose its shape.

Protecting Chocolate from Moisture and Light

Moisture and light are two factors that can significantly impact the quality of chocolate. Moisture can cause chocolate to develop a “sugar bloom” or “fat bloom,”. There can make the chocolate look unappealing and affect its texture. Light can cause chocolate to become discolored and develop an unpleasant flavor. To protect your chocolate, store it in a dry and dark place.

Tips for Wrapping and Sealing Chocolate Properly

To prevent exposure to air and moisture, it is important to wrap and seal chocolate properly. The best way to do this is to use airtight containers or wrap chocolate in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. It is also important to make sure that the container or wrapping is tightly sealed to prevent any air from getting in.

Storing Opened Chocolate Bars

If you’ve opened a chocolate bar but haven’t finished it, it’s important to store it properly to prevent it from spoiling. The best way to do this is to wrap the remaining chocolate tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Then, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in the refrigerator or freezer. This can cause the chocolate to absorb moisture and develop a grainy texture.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your chocolate stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

Fossa Chocolate Bar

Where to Store Chocolate?

Optimal Locations for Storing Chocolate

The best place to store chocolate is in a cool, dark pantry or cupboard. This location provides a consistent temperature and protects the chocolate from light and moisture. It is important to avoid storing chocolate in areas that are subject to fluctuations in temperature, such as near a stove or in direct sunlight.

Using a Wine Cooler as an Alternative Storage Location

Another option for storing chocolate is to use a wine cooler. Wine coolers are designed to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level, making them an ideal storage location for chocolate. Additionally, wine coolers typically have adjustable shelves, allowing you to store chocolate bars and other chocolate products in an organized manner.

Benefits of Using a Wine Cooler for Chocolate Storage

One of the benefits of using a wine cooler for chocolate storage is that it allows you to maintain a consistent temperature range. This is important because fluctuations in temperature can cause chocolate to develop a grainy texture or “bloom.” Additionally, wine coolers are designed to be dark and provide protection from light, which is essential for preserving the quality of chocolate.

Another benefit of using a wine cooler for chocolate storage is that it allows you to store chocolate separately from other foods. This is important because chocolate can absorb odors from other foods, which can impact its flavor. By storing chocolate in a separate location, you can help ensure that it maintains its unique flavor profile.

Overall, a wine cooler can be a great alternative storage location for chocolate. This is particularly the case if you have a large collection or live in an area with fluctuating temperatures. By maintaining a consistent temperature and protecting chocolate from light and moisture, you can help ensure that it stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

Can You Store Chocolate in the Refrigerator or Freezer?

The Misconception of Refrigerating Chocolate

It is a common misconception that chocolate should be stored in the refrigerator. However, refrigeration can actually have a negative impact on the texture and taste of chocolate.

Negative Impacts of Storing Chocolate in the Refridgerator

When chocolate is stored in the refrigerator, it can develop a white film on the surface, known as “bloom.” This occurs when the cocoa butter separates from the rest of the ingredients and rises to the surface. While bloom is not harmful to eat, it can impact the texture and taste of chocolate.

Additionally, refrigeration can cause chocolate to absorb odors from other foods in the fridge, which can also impact its flavor. Overall, refrigeration is not an ideal storage location for chocolate.

Alternatives to Refrigeration

Instead of storing chocolate in the refrigerator, it is best to store it in a cool, dark pantry or cupboard. As previously mentioned, a wine cooler can also be a great alternative storage location for chocolate.

By maintaining a consistent temperature and protecting chocolate from light and moisture, you can help ensure that it stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

Storing Chocolate in the Freezer

While freezing chocolate is an option, it is important to do it properly to avoid any negative impacts on texture or taste. If you do decide to freeze chocolate, make sure it is wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and then placed in an airtight container to prevent moisture from entering. (source)

When thawing frozen chocolate, it is important to let it come to room temperature slowly to avoid any potential condensation on the surface. Overall, while freezing chocolate is an option, it is best to avoid it if possible and store chocolate in a cool, dark location instead.


In conclusion, proper chocolate storage is crucial for maintaining the quality and taste of ethical and artisan chocolate. Storing chocolate in a cool, dark location, such as a pantry or wine cooler, can help prevent it from being exposed to light, moisture, and other odors. It is important to avoid refrigerating chocolate as it can negatively impact its texture and taste.

By supporting ethical chocolate makers and staying informed about the world of chocolate, we can help promote sustainable and ethical practices in the industry. Shela’s Chocolate Diary is a great resource for those looking to learn more about ethical chocolate and stay up-to-date on the latest news and reviews.

So the next time you indulge in some delicious dark or milk chocolate, remember to store it properly and support ethical chocolate makers. Let’s work together to make the world of chocolate a more sustainable and ethical place.

the first room theo chocolate factory

What’s Next?

Welcome to Shela’s Chocolate Diary, a chocolate blog dedicated to promoting ethical chocolate through reviews and educational articles. We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality, sustainable chocolate that benefits both farmers and consumers.

If you enjoyed this article on how to store chocolate, check out my Chocolate 101 series, a series of articles about anything and everything you need to know about chocolate. What other topics would you like me to talk about? Let me know in the comment section below!

Disclosure: Please note that I may receive a small commission on any sales made through affiliate links included in this article. This commission helps support the continued creation of high-quality content for my readers. Rest assured that I only recommend products and services that I personally use and believe in.


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